Definitions, 126.40
Financial statements, 126.44
Insurance, 126.43
Licensing, 126.41
License fee, 126.42
Payments to producers, 126.48
Producer agents, rules for, 126.51
Prohibited practices, 126.50
Security required, 126.47
Producer security fund, 126.05
Contingent financial backing, DATCP to acquire, 126.06
Recovery proceedings, 126.70
Claims against contributing contractors, payment sources, 126.72
Default claims payment, 126.71
Definitions, 126.68
Reimbursing payments, 126.73
Vegetable contractors:
Business practices, 126.63
Contributing milk contractors:
Disqualification, 126.59
Fund assessments, 126.60
Calculations, 126.89
Definitions, 126.55
Financial statements, 126.58
Insurance, 126.57
Licensing, 126.56
Prohibited practices, 126.64
Records, 126.62
Security required, 126.61
At large:
Penalties, 172.07
Prohibition, 172.01
On highways, 172.015
Rams, 172.08
Taking up, 172.02
Appraisal of animal, 172.04
Public sale of animal, 172.06
Restoration of animal to owner, 172.05
Unknown owner, public notice, 172.03
Removal or alteration, penalty, 943.37 (4)
Use, recording, 95.11
Breeders' association, report, 93.31
Breeding, corporations to improve, 95.14
Breeding animal, lien of owner, 779.49
Disposition, transportation, 95.50, 95.72
Disposition by county, 59.54 (21)
Town board may dispose, 60.23 (20)
Cattle passes:
County highways, 83.12
Railroad closing not permitted, 190.09
State trunk highways, 84.06 (9)
Town highways, 82.37
Dairy heifer calves, classification of, 100.025
Damage caused by, 172.51 to 172.56
Dealers, licensing, 95.69
Facility siting and expansion, 93.90
False pedigree, 95.12
Farm medicines, sales tax exemption, 77.54 (33)
Farm registration, requirement, exemptions, 95.51
Feed, commercial, 94.72
Feed lots, permits, 95.715
Generally, Ch. 95
See also Veterinarians
Agriculture department duties, 93.07 (10)
Brucellosis (Bang's disease, contagious abortion):
Brucella organisms, report of sale, 95.39
Control program, 95.26
Indemnity for slaughter, restrictions, 95.48
Movement and sale of animals, 95.49
Research program, 36.25 (3) (c)
Test, veterinarian to perform, 95.43
Vaccination, 95.46
Generally, 95.31
Appraisal, 95.32
Indemnity for slaughter, generally 95.36, 95.37
See also entries for specific diseases, under this subhead
Slaughter, 95.34
Definitions, 95.001
Disease control products, proper use, 95.67
Diseased animals, general provisions:
Animals in transit, applicability of regulations, 95.18
Cooperation with U.S., 95.17
Import and movement of animals, 95.18, 95.20
Investigation, testing, 95.23